Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Im here and happy and hot

I am going to keep this short and write a longer update later on my laptop so I dont have to deal with the french keyboard. Anyways, I am in Senegal and life is pretty sweet. Since we have arrived our group has been staying at the training center. They started us off with a little survival wolof, since wolof is the most prominent language in the countrythen on Monday we were placed in language classes for the language that they speak at our site. I am learning Pulaar du Nord, which means I will most likely be heading to the north of the country, but the dialect is spoken in other parts of Senegal as well, so I will not know for sure until we get our site placements in a few weeks. They have changed training so that trainees live in villages and small towns outside of Thies in order to better prepare them for village life after training, most people moved in with their host families yesterday but myself and a couple of other trainees aren't moving until after class tomorrow. I am going to be living less than 20k away from Thies and Peace Corps will pick us up each morning and bring us to the center. I am sure I will have some intersting stories after I move in with my family. Right now time is ticking away and I have too much pulaar running through my head so I am going to leave it there.


Unknown said...

Weeee! Another language to fail at! Kidding, you were fab in French. I was the disaster child. I'm glad you made it and I can't wait to hear more!

Unknown said...

that was from katie, btw. and yassen.

Editor-In-Chief said...

i googled pulaar and of course i found another peace corps blog. BUT

"Pulaar du Nord! Its a wonderful language and the Pulaar people are infamous for being funny and laid back. and its spoken in several other west african countries (mauritania, niger, guinea, mali , nigeria) leaving good opportunities for future jobs!"

so that sounds promising.

Barb said...

"I'm happy and hot." I hope you're happy you're hot. Sounds wonderful. Looking forward to photos, too!!